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Improving Customer Satisfaction with Automated Monitoring and Anomaly Detection

Madhumita Mantri

Session Speaker
Product Lead, StarTree
Techno-creative Data R&D Product Lead enjoys solving problems for data users (consumers, producers, and decision-makers) to deliver successful user and business outcomes by unlocking data potential. Grace Hopper 2019 Speaker. Passionate about data, applied AI, coaching, public speaking, and social good.

Leon Graveland

Session Speaker
Just Eat Takeaway.com
Senior Data Engineer Customer Growth, Just Eat Takeaway.com
Previously employed as a consultant at EY, Leon is now responsible for making web- and app-tracking data from Just Eat Takeaway .com available for analysis. He loves sharing his passion for data technology at meetups and events.

In today’s fast-paced business environment, it is essential to have real-time visibility into customers’ experiences and quickly identify any issues that may arise.

By automating the monitoring of critical business metrics such as customer satisfaction we can quickly detect anomalies that may indicate a problem and take action to resolve it.

Identifying anomalies in the measurement funnel orders for a food delivery app can help drive customer satisfaction by allowing for the quick detection and resolution of any issues that may negatively impact the customer experience.

For example, if there is a sudden drop in orders at a certain stage of the funnel, it could indicate a problem with the ordering process, such as technical difficulties or unclear instructions. By identifying and fixing these anomalies, the food delivery app can ensure that customers are able to complete their orders smoothly and efficiently, leading to a higher level of satisfaction.

Additionally, regularly monitoring the measurement funnel can help identify trends and areas for improvement, allowing the app to continuously optimize the customer experience.

Additionally, by using anomaly detection algorithms, we can identify patterns and trends that may not be immediately obvious, providing valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences.

In this session, we will share practical examples and best practices for implementing automated monitoring and anomaly detection to improve customer satisfaction and drive business success using StarTree ThirdEye.