2023 Sessions On-Demand


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Real-Time Analytics Panel

Tim Berglund

Session Speaker
Moderator, StarTree
Tim is a teacher, author, and technology leader with StarTree, where he serves as the Vice President of Developer Relations. He is a regular speaker at conferences and a presence on YouTube explaining complex technology topics in an accessible way. He tweets as @tlberglund, blogs every few years at http://timberglund.com, and lives in Littleton, CO, USA. He has three grown children and two grandchildren, a fact about which he is rather excited.

Dipti Borkar

Session Speaker
Vice President & GM, Microsoft
Dipti is a senior technology executive and entrepreneur with over 18 years of experience in cloud, open source and distributed data/database technologies. She is Vice President & General Manager at Microsoft where she is responsible for SaaS App Development, Strategic ISVs and Azure Databricks. She founded Ahana acquired by IBM in 2023 and created a cloud managed service for SQL on data lakes and was Chief Product Officer and Vice President of Cloud & open-source engineering. She also served as the Chairperson of Presto Foundation, Community team.

Prior to Ahana, Dipti held VP roles at Alluxio, Kinetica, and Couchbase. At Alluxio, she was Vice President of Products and at Couchbase she held several leadership positions there including VP, Product Management & Head of Global Solution Engineering. Earlier in her career Dipti managed development teams at IBM DB2 Distributed where she started her career as a database software engineer. Dipti holds a M.S. in Computer Science from UC San Diego, and an MBA from the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley.

Kapil Surlaker

Session Speaker
VP of Engineering, LinkedIn

Sachin Joshi

Session Speaker
Sr. Director Engineering, Cisco Webex
Sachin Joshi is Senior Director at Webex(Cisco) and leads Webex SaaS and Data platform. Sachin has extensive experience creating strategic product differentiation through data, successfully launching multiple data products and transforming how data is utilized across various products. He is passionate about empowering user experiences and improving customer satisfaction using real-time analytics and data science.

Sudhir Tonse

Session Speaker
Director of Engineering, DoorDash
Sudhir Tonse currently leads the Data Platform Engineering organization at DoorDash where the focus is on building the right data architecture that enables DoorDash to make timely, informed data-driven decisions. Previously Sudhir led similar functions at Uber's Marketplace and Data organizations. Prior to Uber, Sudhir managed the Cloud Platform Infrastructure team at Netflix and was responsible for many of the services and components that form the Netflix Cloud Platform. Sudhir is a weekend golfer and tries to make the most of the wonderful California weather and public courses. While not at work or playing golf, Sudhir mostly spends time doom-scrolling Twitter or similar media.

Four real-time analytics industry leaders will join us on stage for a 45-minute discussion of their recent experiences in the space. We’ll discuss what drove them to adopt real-time analytics technologies, the business outcomes they were able to achieve as a result, the experiences of building applications and services in an emerging technology category, and how they see the category unfolding in the immediate future. This panel will provide you with a roadmap to success in the real-time systems you’re building now and in the future.