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Upgrading Log-Analytics Clusters to OpenSearch

Amitai Stern

Session Speaker
Software Engineer & Telemetry Storage Team Lead, Logz.io
Amitai Stern is a software engineer & team lead of the Telemetry Storage Team at Logz.io. Amitai works on Big data and SaaS projects, leading feature development from design to production monitoring. He is a contributor to the OpenSearch open-source project and has led the successful initiative at Logz.io to upgrade to OpenSearch.

Here at Logz.io, the open-source observability and security company, we run ElasticSearch for over 1300 companies in highly scalable multi-cloud deployments. With the license changes of 2021 we needed to migrate to an open-source platform, and OpenSearch was where we were going to contribute and what we wanted to run in production.

Many equate upgrading to OpenSearch from Elasticsearch in production as changing the tires on a moving bus. Upgrading has many risks, and if the cluster is in continuous production use, ingesting terabytes of data daily, the risks can seem overbearing.

In this talk, we will cover multiple upgrade strategies, including version requirements, and their pros and cons. Additionally, we will cover a different option, which is the way we, at Logz.io, upgraded all our clusters to OpenSearch without significant extra costs while minimizing risk. Not only did we upgrade to OpenSearch, but we also migrated our AWS workloads to Graviton2 instances.