2023 Sessions On-Demand

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The Rise of Real-Time Analytics

Kishore Gopalakrishna

Keynote Speaker
Co-Founder & CEO, StarTree
Kishore Gopalakrishna is the co-founder and CEO of StarTree, a venture-backed startup focused on Apache Pinot - the open source real-time distributed OLAP engine that he and StarTree’s founding team developed at LinkedIn and Uber. Kishore is passionate about solving hard problems in distributed systems and has authored various projects in the space such as Apache Helix, a cluster management framework for building distributed systems; Espresso, a distributed document store; and ThirdEye, a platform for anomaly detection and root cause analysis at LinkedIn.

Elementary Analytics with Kafka Streams

Anna McDonald

Session Speaker
Principal Customer Solutions Technical Architect, Confluent
Anna McDonald is a Principal Customer Solutions Technical Architect with Confluent. Prior to joining Confluent she was a Principal Software Developer with SAS Institute. She specializes in integration architecture and event streaming. Her most recent work includes creation of the Derivative Events design pattern. A speaker at Kafka Summit and Jfokus, her love of all things technical is matched only by her love of math puns.

Query Processing Resiliency in Pinot

Vivek Iyer

Session Speaker
Senior Software Engineer, LinkedIn
Vivek is a Senior Software Engineer at LinkedIn working on developing and maintaining Pinot. Prior to LinkedIn, he worked as a Software Engineer for Cohesity, a startup in the data management space where he worked on building the distributed SpanFS filesystem.

Jia Guo

Session Speaker
LinkedIn, Software Engineer, PhD in High Performance Computing
Jia is a system & infrastructure engineer at LinkedIn. His focus is to develop new features/optimize performance of the Pinot execution engine. Prior to joining LinkedIn, he received his PhD in parallel / high performance computing from Ohio State University.

Unlock the value of your data with Apache Pinot and AWS

JP Santana

Session Speaker
Principal Startup SA, AWS
JP has been working in AWS for the past eight years as a Solutions Architect, helping customers design well-architected solutions to solve complex business problems and leverage innovation. Outside of work JP likes to spend time with his wife and three kids and practicing Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.

Wahab Syed

Session Speaker
Solutions Architect, AWS
Wahab is a Startup Solutions Architect based out of San Francisco. He provides technical and strategic guidance to startups at various stages, helping them build and scale on AWS. He holds 5 active AWS certifications. Wahab loves to spend time outdoors with his wife and son.

Leveraging Pinot’s Plugin Architecture to Build a Unified Stream Decoder

Mike Davis

Session Speaker
Software Engineer, Data Platform, DoorDash
Mike has been a Software Engineer within the Data Platform at DoorDash for two years within the Analytics Engine team and has over 10 years experience working in big data and streaming technologies.

Upgrading Log-Analytics Clusters to OpenSearch

Amitai Stern

Session Speaker
Software Engineer & Telemetry Storage Team Lead, Logz.io
Amitai Stern is a software engineer & team lead of the Telemetry Storage Team at Logz.io. Amitai works on Big data and SaaS projects, leading feature development from design to production monitoring. He is a contributor to the OpenSearch open-source project and has led the successful initiative at Logz.io to upgrade to OpenSearch.

Gently Down the Stream with Apache Pinot

Navina Ramesh

Session Speaker
Software Engineer, StarTree
Navina Ramesh has spent the last 7+ years working on streaming infrastructures like Apache Samza and Apache Kafka at LinkedIn. She is a committer and PMC member in the Apache Samza project. She is currently a software engineer at StarTree and brings her experience of powering large-scale data systems to the Apache Pinot project.

Deeply Declarative Data Pipelines

Ryanne Dolan

Session Speaker
Data Pipelines, LinkedIn
Ryanne works on data pipelines and streaming infra at LinkedIn. Primary author of MirrorMaker2. Previously at Twitter, Cloudera, Hortonworks.

Druid 2030

Darin Briskman

Session Speaker
Director of Technology, Imply
Darin Briskman is Director of Technology at Imply, where he helps developers create modern data applications. He began his career at NASA in the 1980s (ask him about rockets!), and has been working with large and interesting data sets ever since. Most recently, he's had various technical and leadership roles at Couchbase, Amazon Web Services, and Snowflake. When he's not writing code, Darin likes to juggle, blow glass (usually not while juggling), and working to help children on the autism spectrum learn to use their special abilities to work better with the neuronormative.

Minions to The Rescue—Tackling Complex Operations in Apache Pinot

Haitao Zhang

Session Speaker
Software Engineer, StarTree
Haitao Zhang is a software engineer at StarTree, working on improving Apache Pinot. Previously, he was on Apple's AIML data infrastructure team and Uber’s Streaming Data Team, working on developing services, libraries and tools for Apache Kafka.

Xiaobing Li

Session Speaker
Software Engineer, StarTree
Xiaobing Li is software engineer from StarTree, exploring ways to brew the best Pinot on cloud. Previously from AWS and Uber, with hands over Kafka, ClickHouse, ES and Spark.

Role Based Access Control in Real-Time Streaming Data: What, Why and How

Hojjat Jafarpour

Session Speaker
Founder and CEO, DeltaStream
Hojjat is the founder and CEO of DeltaStream, a serverless database to manage, secure and process all your streams on cloud. Before starting DeltaStream, he was at Confluent where he created ksqlDB, a database purpose-built for stream processing applications from Confluent. Prior to Confluent, he worked at NEC Labs, Informatica, Quantcast and Tidemark on various big data management projects. He has a Ph.D. in computer science from UC Irvine, where he worked on scalable stream processing and publish/subscribe systems.

Introducing Quix Streams—a Python-Kafka Library for Data-Intensive Workloads

Tomas Neubauer

Session Speaker
CTO, Quix
Tomas Neubauer is co-founder and CTO at Quix, responsible for the technical direction of the company across the full technical stack, and working as a technical authority for the engineering team. He was previously the technical lead at McLaren, where he led architecture uplift for Formula One racing real-time telemetry acquisition. He later led platform development outside motorsport, reusing the know-how he gained from racing.

Improving Customer Satisfaction with Automated Monitoring and Anomaly Detection

Madhumita Mantri

Session Speaker
Product Lead, StarTree
Techno-creative Data R&D Product Lead enjoys solving problems for data users (consumers, producers, and decision-makers) to deliver successful user and business outcomes by unlocking data potential. Grace Hopper 2019 Speaker. Passionate about data, applied AI, coaching, public speaking, and social good.

Leon Graveland

Session Speaker
Just Eat Takeaway.com
Senior Data Engineer Customer Growth, Just Eat Takeaway.com
Previously employed as a consultant at EY, Leon is now responsible for making web- and app-tracking data from Just Eat Takeaway .com available for analysis. He loves sharing his passion for data technology at meetups and events.

Hydrating Real-Time Data in Pinot with Fast Batch Queries on Trino

Elon Azoulay

Session Speaker
Software Engineer, Starburst
Software Engineer that loves data and databases. Started out as a DBA and always wanted to contribute to databases. In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family, going to the beach, biking and playing classical and electric guitar.

Martin Traverso

Session Speaker
Co-Creator of Trino and Chief Technology Officer, Starburst
Martin is the Co-Creator of Trino and Presto. He is a CTO at Starburst where he leads research and development on Trino. Previously, he was a Software Engineer at Facebook where he led the Presto development team, and an architect at Proofpoint and Ning. Martin joined Facebook in 2012 when, at the time, Hive was the de facto platform for SQL analytics at Facebook. Seeing a need for fast interactive SQL analytics, Martin and 3 other engineers worked to create what became Presto. In the Spring of 2013, Martin and the team rolled out Presto into production at Facebook where it was later made open source in the Fall of 2013. In 2019, he and the other founders created a Trino fork off of Presto. Since then, Trino has gained wide adoption both internal and external to Facebook.

Calculating the Value of Pie: Real-Time Survey Analysis With Apache Kafka®

Danica Fine

Session Speaker
Senior Developer Advocate, Confluent
Danica began her career as a software engineer in data visualization and warehousing with a business intelligence team where she served as a point-person for standards and best practices in data visualization across her company. In 2018, Danica moved to San Francisco and pivoted to backend engineering with a derivatives data team which was responsible for building and maintaining the infrastructure that processes millions of financial market data per second in near real-time. Her first project on this team involved Kafka Streams – she never looked back. Danica now works as a Developer Advocate with Confluent where she helps others get the most out of their event-driven pipelines. Outside of work, Danica is passionate about sustainability, increasing diversity in the technical community, and keeping her many houseplants alive. She can be found on Twitter, tweeting about tech, plants, and baking @TheDanicaFine.

Modern SaaS is Real-Time SaaS

Gwen Shapira

Keynote Speaker
Co-Founder, Nile
Gwen is a co-founder and CPO of Nile (thenile.dev). She has 20+ years of experience working with code and customers to build reliable and scalable data architectures - most recently as the head of Cloud Native Kafka engineering org at Confluent. Gwen is a committer to Apache Kafka, author of “Kafka - the Definitive Guide” and "Hadoop Application Architectures." You can find her speaking at tech conferences or talking data at the SaaS Developer Community (https://www.youtube.com/@saas-dev).

Real-Time Analytics Panel

Tim Berglund

Session Speaker
Moderator, StarTree
Tim is a teacher, author, and technology leader with StarTree, where he serves as the Vice President of Developer Relations. He is a regular speaker at conferences and a presence on YouTube explaining complex technology topics in an accessible way. He tweets as @tlberglund, blogs every few years at http://timberglund.com, and lives in Littleton, CO, USA. He has three grown children and two grandchildren, a fact about which he is rather excited.

Dipti Borkar

Session Speaker
Vice President & GM, Microsoft
Dipti is a senior technology executive and entrepreneur with over 18 years of experience in cloud, open source and distributed data/database technologies. She is Vice President & General Manager at Microsoft where she is responsible for SaaS App Development, Strategic ISVs and Azure Databricks. She founded Ahana acquired by IBM in 2023 and created a cloud managed service for SQL on data lakes and was Chief Product Officer and Vice President of Cloud & open-source engineering. She also served as the Chairperson of Presto Foundation, Community team. Prior to Ahana, Dipti held VP roles at Alluxio, Kinetica, and Couchbase. At Alluxio, she was Vice President of Products and at Couchbase she held several leadership positions there including VP, Product Management & Head of Global Solution Engineering. Earlier in her career Dipti managed development teams at IBM DB2 Distributed where she started her career as a database software engineer. Dipti holds a M.S. in Computer Science from UC San Diego, and an MBA from the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley.

Kapil Surlaker

Session Speaker
VP of Engineering, LinkedIn

Sachin Joshi

Session Speaker
Sr. Director Engineering, Cisco Webex
Sachin Joshi is Senior Director at Webex(Cisco) and leads Webex SaaS and Data platform. Sachin has extensive experience creating strategic product differentiation through data, successfully launching multiple data products and transforming how data is utilized across various products. He is passionate about empowering user experiences and improving customer satisfaction using real-time analytics and data science.

Sudhir Tonse

Session Speaker
Director of Engineering, DoorDash
Sudhir Tonse currently leads the Data Platform Engineering organization at DoorDash where the focus is on building the right data architecture that enables DoorDash to make timely, informed data-driven decisions. Previously Sudhir led similar functions at Uber's Marketplace and Data organizations. Prior to Uber, Sudhir managed the Cloud Platform Infrastructure team at Netflix and was responsible for many of the services and components that form the Netflix Cloud Platform. Sudhir is a weekend golfer and tries to make the most of the wonderful California weather and public courses. While not at work or playing golf, Sudhir mostly spends time doom-scrolling Twitter or similar media.

Building a Real-Time IoT Application with Apache Pulsar and Apache Pinot

Timothy Spann

Session Speaker
Principal Developer Advocate, Cloudera
Tim Spann is the Principal Developer Advocate for Data in Motion @ Cloudera where he works with Apache Kafka, Apache Flink, Apache NiFi, Apache Iceberg, TensorFlow, Apache Spark, big data, the IoT, machine learning, and deep learning. Tim has over a decade of experience with the IoT, big data, distributed computing, streaming technologies, and Java programming. Previously, he was a Developer Advocate at StreamNative, Principal Field Engineer at Cloudera, a Senior Solutions Architect at AirisData and a senior field engineer at Pivotal. He blogs for DZone, where he is the Big Data Zone leader, and runs a popular meetup in Princeton on big data, the IoT, deep learning, streaming, NiFi, the blockchain, and Spark. Tim is a frequent speaker at conferences such as IoT Fusion, Strata, ApacheCon, Data Works Summit Berlin, DataWorks Summit Sydney, and Oracle Code NYC. He holds a BS and MS in computer science. https://www.datainmotion.dev/p/about-me.html https://dzone.com/users/297029/bunkertor.html

Get Your Data into Apache Pinot Faster with StarTree’s Data Manager

Tim Santos

Session Speaker
Software Engineer, StarTree
Tim is currently a software engineer at StarTree working on the data ingestion team. Tim has also worked at LinkedIn where he built several company analytics products on top of Pinot such as Talent Insights.

Seunghyun Lee

Session Speaker
Software Engineer, StarTree
Seunghyun is a software engineer at StarTree. Prior to this, he has worked at LinkedIn's Pinot team for more than 5 years, as well as a PMC for the Apache Pinot project. He has contributed several critical features to the project (including replica-group support, segment merge/rollup, etc). Outside of work, he enjoys playing golf and sipping Pinot.

Backfill Upsert Table Via Flink/Pinot Connector

Yupeng Fu

Session Speaker
Principal Engineer, Uber
Yupeng is a Principal Engineer at Uber and he leads Uber's Real-time Platform and Infrastructure, including multiple mission-critical services powered by several open-source technologies like Kafka/Flink/Pinot. Before Uber, he was a founding member of Alluxio Inc, and a PMC member of the Alluxio open source project. Prior to Alluxio, Yupeng worked at Palantir, building data analytics platforms.

A Tale of Three Real-Time OLAP Databases

Neha Pawar

Session Speaker
Founding Engineer, StarTree
Neha Pawar is a Founding Engineer at StarTree (https://www.startree.ai/), which aims to democratize data for all users by providing real-time, user-facing analytics. Prior to this, she was part of LinkedIn's Data Analytics Infrastructure org for 5 years, working on Apache Pinot & ThirdEye. She is passionate about big data technologies and real-time analytics databases. Neha is an Apache Pinot PMC and Committer. She has made numerous impactful contributions to Apache Pinot, with a focus on real-time streaming integrations and ingestion. She actively fosters the growing Apache Pinot community & loves to evangelize Pinot by making entertaining video tutorials & illustrations. When not sipping Pinot, you can find Neha jamming with her husband, painting or hiking with her dogs.

Chinmay Soman

Session Speaker
Founding Engineer, StarTree
Chinmay Soman is a founding engineer at StarTree, building real-time analytics solutions at scale. Previously he led the streaming platform team at Uber for building a large-scale, self-serve platform around messaging, stream processing and OLAP technologies. Before that, he worked at LinkedIn and IBM, focusing on distributed systems and security. He’s a PMC member of Apache Samza and a committer on Apache Pinot, Voldemort, uReplicator and AthenaX.

Using Flink & Pinot for Complex User-Facing Analytics

Ken Krugler

Session Speaker
Scale Unlimited
President, Scale Unlimited and Big Data Consultant
Ken helps clients solve big data problems using Flink, Pinot, and Lucene-based search. He's an ASF member and the past founder and CTO of Krugle, a vertical search engine for code and technical information. Prior to that he worked for Steve Jobs on the original Macintosh, and then pioneered MacOS support for Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Thai, Tibetan and other languages.

Streaming Aggregation of Cloud Scale Telemetry

Shay Lin

Session Speaker
Software Engineer, Confluent
Shay Lin is experienced in event-driven microservices and stream processing frameworks. Shay works at Confluent’s data team, focusing on real-time analytics and data infrastructure. Before Confluent, she built systems at scale for payment risk and fraud detection.

Interpolating Time Series Data On Demand

Lakshmanan Velusamy

Session Speaker
Stealth Startup
Engineering Lead, Stealth Startup
Lakshmanan is a Backend Engineer and Technical Lead with 16+ years of experience in building scalable backend systems and services. He is currently building an in-house, state of the art analytics platform from scratch to crunch data and empower customers with real-time insights.